Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Happy Halloween!


Haskett Family said...

hey girlie--
Ok - seriously, this is rediculous. - is that how you spell that? Addie should be playing with Kayla- how about Tuesday- 9am? You working> email or blog me back- ok - or I guess I could call you- but who calls these days?? glad to see you had fun on halloween- see you tuesday-11th- 9am my house- be there or be square- No i am not a crazy

Mindi and Adam little said...

you and addi are so cute. I can't believe how much she looks like you. I'm also glad you finally put some more pictures on your blog! looks good! talk to you later

Pessoa Fam said...

I can't believe how big Addi is! She was an adorable princess. Looks like you had a great Halloween! You look great by the way! I am so proud of you for updating your blog.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I didn't know you had a blog! Yippie! I am adding you to my friends or whatever. I'm going to wear my cute headband today at workey-turkey! Hi my Addi-pie! I heard you signed up for preschool are you excited???